Why should we consolidate the global halal food market? Why is the halal food market so fragmented currently? Does this fragmentation have anything to …
Nigeria’s quest to become the leading hub for the Halal Market in Africa hinges on developing a robust value chain, that provides innovative products …
The authorities are not aware of any mislabelling of halal meat taking place here, said the Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkilfi, who …
For the Halal Industry to thrive in Nigeria and contribute to the nation’s economic development, a robust regulatory framework is required. “If Halal …
Malaysian halal industry is in the doldrums after the fake halal meat scandal recently. It was devastated due to this scandal and, the general public …
The Brazilian food company strengthens its foothold on the international market with manufacturing operations in Saudi Arabia. It will invest USD 7.2 …
How are global challenges affecting the halal food industry? Well, this is an important question that needs to be addressed in light of the challenges …